Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Annual Allergy Testing for L

The boys have been to too many doctor appointments lately. But, we have made some great discoveries at the Allergy Appointments.
Below are the blood work results for L. They will be followed up by skin testing of the allergens listed with which fall below .34. To read the results you should know: Less than significant level detected .10-.34 borderline, significance is determined with doctor (our doctor will follow up with skin testing and possibly food challenge) .35-.70 Low .71-3.50 Moderate 3.51-17.50 High 17.51 or greater VERY HIGH L's Results Fall 2011: Peanut >100 (extremely high as expected) Pea 20.60 (This is no surprise really because Peas are legumes like Peanuts. This is a new and very serious allergy) Sesame Seed .62 (This is new and significant. No sesame seeds for L in any form) Almond 7.28 Pistachio 2.51 Hazelnut .94 Chestnut .73 Cashew .97 Brazilnut .77 Conclusion: No nuts, sesame seeds, or peas for my oldest! Numbers that have dropped/or are insignificant: Milk .18 Casein (milk protein) .14 Egg Yolk .30 Egg White .26 Latex .15 Red Dye <.10 Gelatin Bovine <.10 Gelatin Porcine .28 Yellow Dye .12 The next step, to be preformed next Wednesday, skin test to Latex, Milk, Egg. If the skin testing goes well the next step would be a food challenge (a little bit of the food is eaten in Doctor Office and patient would be watched for reaction)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kathleen-

    Not sure if you will get this. It doesn't appear that you are blogging anymore. I have a son that has severe peanut allergies (just tested at 100 and also tested allergic to soy. The soy was a skin test. I am wondering if you ever found any dye free, soy free, peanut free vitamins? He is tested positive for pork, apple, squash, and codfish. Here's my e-mail. If you have any great products to share, I would love to hear it.

